Saturday, July 30, 2011 5 Comments

Roadtrip Playlist

So, for part of our honeymoon Grayson and I will be taking the trip down to Vegas and back, which is about 6 hours one way.  I'm wanting to make a playlist of some awesome roadtrip music on the way, but I don't have a lot of time to sort through all of my music.

So I am coming to all of you for help!  What are some songs that I need to add to my CD?  What are your favorite roadtrip songs?  Leave it in the comments, I can't wait to hear your feedback!
Thursday, July 28, 2011 9 Comments

Making Shoes?

So, I am totally a shoe girl. I don't want to admit exactly how many pairs I have - mostly because I really don't want to count how many pairs I have. As such, with the wedding looming closer and closer, I knew that I had to have the perfect shoes in order to have the perfect day.

Unfortunately, this proved itself not only difficult, but PRICEY. Luckily, my mother is awesome. She found a cute pair of white shoes on a clearance rack for nine dollars. We dyed them to a winter white so it would match the dress, and found the perfect appliques and embellishments. Now, they are finished. I can honestly say that I am IN LOVE with them.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011 2 Comments

Funny Story

So Grayson and I went to Discovery Gateway with his nephew the other day. I didn't take very many pictures due to a dying battery, but I had to get one picture just for memory's sake...

Ha, we are/were such weirdos. PS, I'm getting married in ten days. AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!
Saturday, July 23, 2011 4 Comments

Our Wedding Song

It is decided, the song for our first dance at our reception shall be:

It is a pretty great song, a somewhat common one, but it is the one that has the most significance between the two of us. I think it is an excellent choice.
Friday, July 22, 2011 1 Comments

From Grayson, This Year

I did a post about my birthday last year, so I figured I would detail the cute and wonderful things he did for me this year.

Right after work, he surprised me with dinner at Spaghetti Factory, one of my absolute favorite restaurants. While there, he handed me a present, and when I opened it I knew that he it he totally understands what a huge nerd I am.

After we returned to his house, running around doing wedding errands (to which there are no end), he went into his basement for a moment, and came up carrying something that just overjoyed me.
Thursday, July 21, 2011 2 Comments

From Grayson, Last Year

So my birthday was last Tuesday, and as I was sitting at work and remembering, I came across a few pictures.

When I turned 21, I was in the middle of EFY and other such crazyness - and Grayson was still on his mission. But shortly after that birthday, I received a package and some pictures from New York.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011 4 Comments

The Five(ish) F's for the Perfect Bridal Shower

I have been blessed with a lot of wonderful people who have thrown me some wonderful showers! When I got engaged, I thought two, three showers would happen, tops... but the grand total has turned out to be FIVE beautiful showers and one awesome upcoming bachelorette party!

Though I still have one shower left, I want to state how much of a BLAST I have had at these for the last two weeks, and show exactly what has made them so great...
Thursday, July 14, 2011 1 Comments

A Piece of my Childhood

Ends Tonight

Monday, July 11, 2011 1 Comments

Engagements Update

So I've recently come to learn that my previous post with my engagement pictures is not very visible by a lot of people. That is either an issue with flash or an issue with the program itself. So I thought I'd hurry and post this link right here, so you can view them if you wish to do so:

Sunday, July 10, 2011 1 Comments


So Grayson and I went up to a family cabin last week. Some of the most fun parts of the trip involved some old 4-wheelers, getting them started by towing them behind a Subaru and then tackling some dusty trails.

But we were definitely a mess when it was all said and done.
Pretty sure I'm still getting dust out of my hair! I don't think Grayson has that problem.
Friday, July 8, 2011 2 Comments

Stephenie's Graduation Pics

So I did my first 'professional' type photo-shoot ever the other day. It was actually super exciting and a lot of fun. I did them for my dear friend and one of my bridesmaids Stephenie, who recently graduated from the University of Utah.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011 3 Comments

The Invitations

They are finished!

I designed them myself, mostly because if I were to let anyone else do it... I just know it never would've been quite right. I'm insane like that.

We are getting them printed through a wonderful company called Beautiful Wedding Announcements. By far the best deal I found for printing - if you go anywhere else you are just asking to be robbed. We're getting 500 invites and 240 total inserts (two designs) for $250 dollars.

What do you think?

{PS - If you haven't seen the rest of our engagement photos, you can take a look HERE.}
Monday, July 4, 2011 1 Comments


If you haven't been out to the zoo yet this summer...

I highly recommend it.

Also, the real animals are pretty cool too.
Saturday, July 2, 2011 3 Comments

Guest Book Ideas

I really don't want to do the standard guest book, you know? I like the idea of something a little bit unique, something that doesn't clog traffic at the reception, something creative and cute. I found a few ideas online. What do you think?

I am especially fond of the notes in the mailbox idea, something that would be slipped into a photo album later. What are some other fun ideas?